Let’s learn and grow together

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
– Nelson Mandela –

Education serves as the cornerstone for positive transformation. Knowledge empowers us to make well-informed decisions—something that’s particularly crucial when it comes to our financial well-being. This journey begins in childhood, influenced by how we’re nurtured and the societal distinctions made between genders. Unfortunately, such disparities don’t end there. They extend into adulthood, often leaving women disconnected from managing their personal finances for a multitude of reasons.

We invite you to become an agent of change in your own life. As women who are not merely educators but experts in finance, our mission is to equip other women with the capability to govern their own wealth.

That’s the impetus behind our “get together” sessions, where we provide you with the essential tools to attain your financial independence.

Our workshops, available both online and in-person, let you choose topics that resonate with your needs. There’s no requirement to allocate extensive time; instead, you can invest brief, quality moments—like planting seeds that will grow with each small step you take.

We are dedicated to delivering a dynamic and practical learning experience that arms you with the most relevant tools to confidently manage the complexities of the financial realm, thus enabling the freedom you rightfully deserve.

Select the learning format that aligns with your lifestyle and join us on a path toward enhanced financial literacy and skill.

In-person Workshops
In-person Workshops
Educational Trips
Educational Trips
1-to-1 Mentoring
1-to-1 Mentoring
Book your Consultation
Let’s discover

How to invest for impact

Impact Angel Investor Course

In collaboration with Impact HUB Ticino.

Become an Impact Angel Investor and transform the future through your investments.